Before the shoot

Headshots are your branding and marketing tool. It's important that you do a little homework beforehand. Think about practising some poses. Do you feel more comfortable sitting down or do you prefer standing. Enhancing the jawline is essential. Practise tiny movements of the head in the mirror and see how it changes the shape of your face. Jutting you chin out a little will stop any double chins occurring. Everyone is unique, it's my job to bring out the real you. Faces are so interesting. I will be focusing on your eyes so that they connect with the person looking at your photo. Clothing should enhance you.

  • Solid colours look fab, avoid patterns as much as possible.
  • Bring a variety of tops from different seasons with varying necklines.
  • Make sure all clothes are ironed and hung on hangers, wrinkles in clothes are difficult to edit.
  • Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel confident.
  • Make sure to bring a brush and hair products. If hair is long we can start with it down and then put it up for a variation of looks.
  • Natural looking make up to begin with, you can always add more as we go.
  • The night before, brush your lips with an old toothbrush to remove any dead skin and add some vaseline to soften.
  • Get rid of any unwanted hair the day before, clean up brows and upper lip hair.
  • Bring some tissue or translucent powder to stop any shine.
  • Look in the mirror and see which side you like best, everyone has a favourite side.
  • Your smile is the most important business tool, people look longer at a smiling face than one that isn't.
  • Avoid any distracting jewellery.

The day of the shoot

Try to leave the house with plenty of time so that you arrive without feeling flustered. I will play music during the shoot but if you'd like to bring your own along to help relax you, that is absolutely fine.

  • We will discuss the looks you are trying to achieve and look through the outfits that you have bought along.
  • The first few photos will be the hardest but I hope to make you feel relaxed so that you can begin to enjoy the shoot.
  • I like to work with natural light as much as I can but also have studio lighting to create a different feel.
  • I will direct you as much as I can so that I can get the best photos. If I ask you to squint a little don't be put off, this can create a more natural look to the photo.